Monday, May 29, 2017

Choose the right

I’m in Cochabamba this week to attend to a Leadership conference. Our area is progressing and the members are helping us so much. This was a week of many exciting experiences. I’d like to share our experiences with Luis.

We are still teaching Luis, he is a 15-year-old (almost 16) excellent teenager so prepared for the gospel and he just wants to be baptize, he reads the Book of Mormon and he is doing his part even though there is some opposition. He and his family are going through difficult times, His family has neglected him because they are focused on helping his sister who is very sick. This has caused that Luis is not even enrolled in school because he is helping his family  with everything.  Also, it has been difficult to teach him and keep appointments.

Finally, one morning we surprised him at his home and explained all of lesson 2 and he was so amazed and had so many questions about the resurrection. When the lesson was over I talked to the mom alone with my companion and told her: “don’t forget you have another son who is suffering in different ways. Luis is a special kid and he has a lot of potential”. The great thing is that she listened and understood and now his mom enrolled him in school!! AND HE WAS SO HAPPY.
 We had another lesson with Luis and went over with Juan Pablo, who is a recent convert that has such an amazing testimony and wants to go on a mission. IT WAS AN AMAZING LESSON. He said the Joseph Smith’s story and Luis was surprised and he said: HE SAW GOD AND JESUS CHRIST WHAT!! and he was so excited to read and learn more about it.

But the best part is that on Sunday we were all waiting for him to come to church but he never came and it was so sad. We walked out of sacrament and Luis was running up the stairs with his two little siblings and he saw me and he saw all the members coming out and he looked so sad and he was like I can’t believe I’m late. I’m so sorry is it too late? I asked him what happened. He explained that they were waiting for her mom that wasn’t home, so then decided to come to church by themselves. He said that he wants to do what is right!! I was so proud of him for doing that.
Hermana Lopez

Monday, May 22, 2017

The power of prayer

We went to visit the Castle of Mirrors

I love Ines, our pensionista. She takes good care of us!! We are making bread!!

We are still teaching Luis and his amazing family. Luis is AMAZING and he has a baptismal date and he is preparing so much for it. His sister is really really ill, she needs a costly surgery and the family is trying their hardest to bring up the money.
 We had an appointment with them Friday night and we had 3 members coming with us. When we got there, the neighbors told us that they moved.  It was so confusing. There were other people living in their home and everyone said they left to Potosi which is another city REALLY far.  So, we were just crushed, I wanted to cry that very minute.
We called and called and called and called and no answer and everyone was saying just forget about them, they are gone.

On Sunday, they didn't come to church we were hoping they would magically show up and we just stopped calling them. We prayed for them all the time and on Sunday evening like 6 pm we had no appointments and we went to go visit a family and I felt the impression to just pray. So, I said a prayer in my mind and I asked to find Luis. While we were talking to this man I saw Luis from the corner of my eye and Hermana Garff and I just quickly said bye and we sprinted after Luis.
 It was amazing!!! We found the whole family again and realized they are going through
hard hard times, they had to move out. But it was such a tender mercy to find them and to be put in that area at that time just as Luis would walk by. Prayer is so powerful.

Love you all,

Hermana Lopez

Betty is an excellent member. She always share the gospel with their friends and invites them to church!

We love to eat saltenas 
As you already know I love dogs and they always follow me

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Trials and conversion

This week was amazing!!

Last week I talked about a family where the young boy ran up to us. We visited him and his family in their house this past week and we were able to meet his wonderful family. They recently moved here from Chile. Well we are still teaching them and they are so so amazing. Luis has a baptismal date and he wants to be baptized so badly, he says he just feels this gospel is true and wants to be a member.  
We were teaching him about God and that He actually loves us and has a plan for us. Luis and his step brother Vidal don’t really understand that because they go through a lot of trials. Their 20-year-old sister has 3 kids and desires to be baptized to follow the example of Christ and to be a good example for her kids. However, she is very ill and is going through difficult times. 
I recently read a talk that quoted CS Lewis and I shared this quote with them: 

"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”

I know that the spirit really prompted me to share that example with them because they understood it so well. They just kept on repeating God is tearing our house down...and it hurts. And it was really painful to hear them say that, but that’s how trials are, they are supposed to hurt because we are supposed to grow, and I am so thankful for growth.

There is a very old man in our ward Hermano Camacho, he is an amazing member missionary. He always wants the missionaries to come over and so we complied. He just talks a lot haha. But he came out  with us and it was amazing what he did. He knocked doors with us but the best part was that he only took us to his friend’s house and knocked on their doors. HE IS SO CONVERTED! It is so amazing to meet such humble people like that that truly understand the commandment of opening our mouths.

I love you all!  
Hermana Lopez
Zone conference in Potosi

Look at the size of the corn kernels!!
I like to find sheep on the street

For P-day today we visited the Dinosaur museum... here are some pics

Eating sugar cane sticks!!

Hermana Lopez