Monday, August 8, 2016

I'm in Bolivia Cochabamba

Bolivia is incredible. Im in Cochabamaba zona Sacaba Area Villa Graciela. It is winter time here, it is cold at night and during the day. We use sweaters at night. The wind is crazy sometimes.
 When we got to the mission office  my mtc companion Hermana Campana and I were  hugging and all sad beacuse we are getting seperated, we were together since the beggining and then President Hansen said "I feel strongly impressed to make a trio Hermana Campana and Hermana Lopez will be trained by Hermana Braathen, we screeaaaamed!!. My trainer is very cool and dedicated. She is from Washington
The members in my ward are incredible!!. We are so blessed. Last night we had family home evening with a member and she invited her friends and the mom is less active but her kids arent baptised and they are really interested in the church. The members made a goal to invite less active people to noche de hogar and always invite the missioanries. isn't that incredible!!

The bishop told us "you are angels in our ward, we love you and we are always going to help you". it is amazing!! a huge blesssing. They give us references and always want to come teaching with us. It is glorious!!. The members and some investigators feed us and let us in their homes. we are always eating honestly. 

I'm not scared to contact people, I love knocking on doors, we just say SOMOS SUS AMIGAS!! and people are like digame. digame. digame. hahaha. I extended a baptism invitation to  Elisa. She has an autistic son and ugh it was so hard but I felt so much love for her and I started crying when I testified of God and how He trusts her to take care of a special kid and she cried. She said that she has no idea which church to join. The Spirit was so strong. 

THE WORK is hard but I love it and I'm so happy to be serving as a missionary in Cochabamba. I want to find the chosen ones and Itrying to apply everything I learned at the mtc.

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