Monday, September 18, 2017

When you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God.

Hi everyone!!

This week was hard again. It's really hard to watch people you truly love suffer. Some of the converts here they are going through some serious problems. Their parents just left them abandoned and now the oldest Luis who is 16 has to work and provide for his family. It's a really rough situation, but something incredible is watching converted disciples step in. The relief society president went to go visit them and she brought them food but not only that, she went to their school and talked to their teachers and is now teaching them how to do Math. She lets them sit with her family at church and she takes them out to eat and gives them love they need. It was so amazing to see that. No one even asked her to do it, she just started doing it. She goes to their school and buys all their supplies they need.
Luis, Nayeli and Ricardo my favorite !!

In ward council, the bishop asked the other leaders to pitch in. Everyone was assigned days to visit them and bring them food. And then a lot of people even offered to pay for clothes and stuff. It was also really sad because one leader said bishop, I really  dont have time to go over and help them. I have to work, I'm really busy. And then the first counselor said, Hermana everyone is busy. but these are God's children; I invite you to find time to serve God. Everyone was dead silent. 

Ines and her famiy invited Luis and his sibilings to Family Home evening
I learned a lot that being baptized we made a promise to follow and serve God. One of the leaders said there is not much I can do as a leader in this church but there is a lot I can do as a friend to Luis.
A recent convert family invited all 4 kids to a family home evening at their house and went all out on baking them sweets and helping them just feel love. Because thats all they really need is to feel like they are not alone.

-- Hna Lopez.
Our ward a talent show where different traditional Bolivian dances were presented

During study time
It is very cold in Sucre.

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