Monday, August 22, 2016

Count your blessing!!

This week was a lot a lot better than last week. Even though it was still hard! My testimony is growing eveyday that this is the truest gospel on earth and  it changes so many lives.
Almicar and Vanessa our investigators and their whole family came to church!!!!. They stayed all 3 hours and want to come back. It was amazing. I love them it was like the sweetest feeling ever.
Also our trio had to give talks on Sunday. We talked about mission work that the gospel  of Jesus Christ has been restored in earth to save people and change lives. Almicar was very impressed... and he clapped for us. It was a good opportunity to pass this message to all of our less actives and our investigators that were at church. 
This week we had  so much success. Everyone let us in their house and we met really cool people. Melviluna wants a better life for her family, she wants to repent and  loves the Bible and God.
Also Willy is an ex boxer who has a drinking problem and wants to change.

I am getting more into the work even though some days are really slow. We are building up our confidence with the members

 After a really long day, we were waiting at an less active members house. We waited for an hour or more. And they never showed up. But there was a young couple that started talking to us. They told us that they have been baptized for a year. And they told us their whole conversion story. It was a year process for them to get baptized. But Jerry said, if you sisters had doubts that this gospel changes lives I am proof. He used to be a drunk, addicted to alcohol, didn't want his family, didn't believe in God, but now him and his family are getting sealed in the temple in November. 
And the less active family that never showed up came to church the next day and told us they missed our appointment because they were fixing their pants for church. After 18 years they came to church. It was sweet.

One day we had three dinners, we were really full and I prayed to have room in my stomach to not offend anyone and I did it was a miracle!! ha ha

Last Monday. and we went to eat at a restaurant called Tuesdays and we met these guys from Utah and they told us"" we are paying for your meal. please buy everything you want". if you want lunch for tomorrow then buy lunch for tomorrow". They payed for everything. they were told us" we were all missionaries so we know". We seriously feel that always receiving many blessings!!

One night we were walking home and  I was looking at all three of our shadows and strongly strongly felt like there was angels with us.  I feel that we all are protected.

I love you all thank you alllllll for the emails. I love them.

Hermana Lopez

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